Meet Mike Pittman: Your Host and Advocate for Economic Empowerment

Discover Inspiration, Empowerment, and Economic Development on The Mike Pittman Podcast

Join host Mike Pittman as he explores the world of entrepreneurship and community empowerment with a focus on the black community.

Meet Mike Pittman: 

Your Host and Advocate for Economic Empowerment

Mike Pittman is a multifaceted entrepreneur with an unyielding passion for fostering economic growth and development within the black community. His journey is a testament to the transformative power of determination and resilience.

Raised in public housing in St. Louis, Missouri, Mike learned the values of hard work, perseverance, and the importance of education from an early age.

Before becoming a driving force in economic development and community empowerment, Mike Pittman showcased his exceptional talent on the baseball field. His journey from the pitcher's mound to the forefront of community development is a testament to his resilience, leadership, and unwavering dedication.

During his college years, Mike Pittman was a standout member of the Blue Devils Baseball team at Kaskaskia College. His contributions on the field were nothing short of extraordinary.

This was evidenced by his All-Conference and All State recognitions as well as his latter selection to Kaskaskia College Sports Hall of Fame. 

After graduating from Kaskaskia College, Mike Pittman signed with the St. Louis Cardinals as an undrafted free agent, a remarkable achievement given the intense competition.
He emerged as the only player signed out of 300 hopefuls at the camp held at Busch Stadium in St. Louis, Missouri.
Mike pitched for the Cardinal Organization from 1979 to 1984, an experience that honed his discipline, teamwork, and dedication.

Mike's passion for communication and community building led him to develop a popular radio talk show and an independent newspaper.
His Voice America radio show and Capital City Courier newspaper made a significant impact in Illinois and beyond, being distributed nationally and internationally via an associated website.
The Capital City Courier gained recognition in Editor and Publisher Magazine, a renowned trade publication in the newspaper industry.

Mike's commitment to the community has been recognized with numerous awards, including the NAACP Community Service award, the Urban League Community Service award, Illinois Legislative Black Caucus Economic Development award, Entrepreneur of the Year by the Illinois Times, and Minority Business Person of the Year by the Springfield Chamber of Commerce.  Additionally, Mike earned a Bachelors Degree in Labor Relations from the University of Illinois at Springfield and was also the founder of the Springfield Black Chamber of Commerce.

Mike's personal journey from public housing to professional success fuels his commitment to empowering others. 

Why Listen to "The Mike Pittman Podcast"?

In a world brimming with podcasts, it's essential to choose content that not only entertains but also enriches your life and broadens your horizons. "The Mike Pittman Podcast" offers a unique and compelling listening experience that sets it apart from the rest. Here are some compelling reasons why you should tune in:

1. Empowering Stories:

Our podcast is a platform for empowering stories that resonate with listeners from all walks of life. Mike Pittman brings you in-depth conversations with remarkable individuals who have overcome adversity, shattered barriers, and achieved extraordinary success. These stories inspire, motivate, and remind us that resilience and determination can lead to greatness.

2. Economic Development Focus:

"The Mike Pittman Podcast" is on a mission to foster economic development within the black community. Our discussions delve into the strategies, opportunities, and challenges of entrepreneurship and economic growth. If you're passionate about economic empowerment, this podcast provides valuable insights and ideas.

3. Diverse Perspectives:

Our guest lineup is a testament to the diversity of thought and experience. We feature guests from various backgrounds, including sports, entertainment, business, activism, and more. This diversity of perspectives offers a well-rounded view of the world and encourages listeners to think critically about important issues.

4. Inspirational Leadership:

Mike Pittman, your host, is not just an interviewer but a seasoned entrepreneur and community leader himself. His personal journey, from a challenging upbringing to becoming a respected advocate for economic development, adds depth and authenticity to the podcast. His leadership and passion for change are palpable in every episode.

5. Thought-Provoking Conversations:

Our podcast is a space for thought-provoking conversations that tackle pressing issues, celebrate achievements, and explore the human experience. Whether we're discussing entrepreneurship, social justice, faith, or personal growth, our aim is to stimulate your mind and encourage meaningful reflection.

6. Practical Takeaways:

While our podcast engages with big ideas and inspirational narratives, it also offers practical takeaways. You'll gain insights, strategies, and tips that you can apply to your own life, whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a community activist, or simply someone seeking personal growth.

7. Community Building:

"The Mike Pittman Podcast" is more than just a show; it's a community. We invite you to join our community of listeners who share a passion for positive change and personal growth. Engage with us, share your thoughts, and connect with like-minded individuals.

8. Personal Transformation:

Listening to our podcast can be a catalyst for personal transformation. Our stories and discussions challenge you to think differently, set new goals, and take actionable steps toward becoming the best version of yourself.

9. Stay Informed and Inspired:

In a fast-paced world, staying informed and inspired is crucial. "The Mike Pittman Podcast" offers a convenient way to do both. Whether you're commuting, working out, or relaxing at home, our episodes provide a source of knowledge, inspiration, and motivation.

10. Be Part of Something Bigger:

By listening to our podcast, you become part of a movement dedicated to positive change. Your support and engagement contribute to our mission of empowering communities and fostering economic development.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to be inspired, informed, and engaged. Subscribe to "The Mike Pittman Podcast" today and join us on this incredible journey of personal growth, community empowerment, and transformative storytelling. Together, we can make a difference.

Public Figures Mike Has Interviewed:

Mike Pittman has had the privilege of engaging with some remarkable individuals from various fields, each sharing their unique perspectives, experiences, and insights. Here are just a few of the inspiring guests we've had the honor of interviewing:

Daryl Strawberry:

Former MLB Star & Advocate for Addiction Recovery
Daryl Strawberry joined Mike to discuss his incredible journey from the baseball diamond to becoming a passionate advocate for addiction recovery and mental health awareness. His story of resilience and redemption is truly inspiring.

Dick Gregory:

Legendary Comedian, Civil Rights Activist, & Author
The late Dick Gregory shared  with Mike his wisdom and humor. We explored his remarkable career in comedy, his role in the Civil Rights Movement, and his insights on social justice issues that remain relevant today.

Ernestine Sheppard:

World's Oldest Female Bodybuilder & Fitness Icon
Mike has had the pleasure of speaking with Ernestine Sheppard, a true icon of fitness and determination. She shared her secrets to staying active and motivated at any age, proving that it's never too late to pursue your health and fitness goals.

Joel Osteen:

Renowned Pastor, Author, & Inspirational Speaker
Joel Osteen shared with Mike a soulful conversation about faith, positivity, and the power of hope. His words of encouragement continue to inspire countless individuals worldwide.

Kathy Hughes:

Media Mogul & Founder of Radio One, Inc.
Kathy Hughes shared her incredible journey as a pioneering media mogul and the founder of Radio One, Inc. Her story is a testament to breaking barriers and achieving success in the world of broadcasting.

Dr. Claude Anderson

Dr. Claude Anderson: A Visionary Economist and Author
Dr. Claude Anderson is a prominent economist, educator, and author renowned for his pioneering work in economic empowerment, entrepreneurship, and social justice. His impactful books, such as "Black Labor, White Wealth" and "PowerNomics," offer invaluable insights into economic challenges facing the black community and provide a roadmap to financial success.  Dr. Anderson has hared his wisdom on economic self-sufficiency, group economics, and the historical context of economic disparities, leaving a lasting impression on our listeners and fueling our commitment to economic development and community empowerment. Subscribe to our podcast to explore more enlightening discussions with influential guests like Dr. Claude Anderson.

Mike has welcomed a diverse array of guests, from entrepreneurs and community leaders to artists and visionaries and looks to do the same with each new episode of this podcast. Each guest brings a unique perspective and a wealth of knowledge, contributing to the rich tapestry of discussions on our show.

Stay tuned for upcoming episodes featuring even more thought-provoking and influential guests. Their stories and insights continue to shape our mission of empowerment and community development. Subscribe to "The Mike Pittman Podcast" to ensure you never miss an inspiring conversation.

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